
Email: 5sidety@tytrainingbasketball.com

Contact us:  (408) 836-1563

Training clinics

TY Trainings high-level and competitive training clinics are for dedicated players looking to improve their game. At TY Trainings Basketball training clinics, players develop high basketball IQ, refine basketball skills and enhance their skill set at the guard, post, and wing positions. With our great player-to-coach ratio and level-based structure, players get the attention and repetitions they need to ensure proper skill development. 


Group Training

Players of all skill levels can benefit from the position-specific drills incorporated into TY Training Basketball’s group training sessions, as they get ready for upcoming tryouts and league seasons. Group sessions focus on fundamental basketball skills such as: shooting, dribbling, and defense through drills, contests, and competitive play. Areas of emphasis include: technique, footwork, shooting drills, shooting off the dribble, shooting off the pass, shooting games, free throw shooting, and post/perimeter shooting; as well as competitive team play and in depth discussions of basketball situational play, including time and game management.


Small Group Elite Training

Working out in a small group or class setting is different from Individual Training, because there will be other players in the workout pushing each other to improve. We offer on-court training to elevate your play, and each session has a small number of players/coach so everyone can get the individual attention they need. The player development programs are for the players who are serious about developing their basketball skills.


Basketball Clinics

One-day clinics focus on different aspects of the game, from guard skills to shooting and more. Each clinic provides athletes the opportunity to work on their game in a fun and safe setting, while getting high quality instruction from our coaching staff.
Maximum of 25-30 players per clinic.


Shooting clinics

Shooting/Shooting off the dribble/attacking out of triple threat. Fundamental breakdown of proper shooting technique. Live drills will force athletes to play and shoot at game pace. Advanced triple threat moves to create space to attack the basket.
·      Lay-ups 
·      Free-throws 
·      Mid-range 
·      3-pointers


Defensive clinics

Players will learn defensive stance and positioning, on-the-ball and off-the-ball, defensive rebounding, closeout fundamentals. Explosive on-the-ball individual concepts to contain the ball and team half-court defense. 
·       On ball defense 
·       Zone concepts 
·       Full court pressure 


Ball Handling clinic

Fundamental and advanced drills to improve confidence and manipulation of defenders when a player has the ball. Break down drills and live play will be involved in the session.
·       Non dominate hand focus 
·       Cross over moves
·       Hesitation moves 
·       Ball control 


Speed & Explosive training

Explosive movement, linear speed, lateral quickness. Acceleration and deceleration for efficiency of movement and injury prevention. through a variety of drills, exercises and technique practice. This clinic will improve athletes vertical jump over a period of time. The clinic will provide stretching and dynamic warm-up exercises as well as plyometric and strength exercises that target the muscles used for jumping.


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